Monday 30 December 2013

Joey Atlas Review about Other Treatments of Cellulite and Stretch Marks

There are other "cosmetic approaches" such as tanning creams, etc., but Joey Atlas Program aimed purely visual masking the signs of stretch marks. Apply and "filing of the skin", including laser, but it is a traumatic procedure without guaranteed success.

More to combat stretch marks surgery is gaining force pulse laser. American surgeon EI Ruby posted a detailed outline of the method. In general, this method relies on the removal of stretch marks by mikrotravmatizirane area of mesoderm and stimulates new collagen production.

Burning laser activates neu-trophils and the production of cytokines that cause the fibroblast cells to migrate into the area. They begin producing collagen, which is first of type 3 and subsequently transferred to the main type 1. Skillfully damage "wound" and support the formation of new capillary blood vessels.for more details visit here

The method of El Ruby refers to the study of Chinese patients with effects of radio frequency stretch marks and 585 nm laser pulses, and the results are very promising. This model is gaining in practice.

Modernized version of the laser pulse is fractional. The difference is purely physical effect on the problem area.

The good news in stretch marks is that they give the desired response even for 1-2 sessions pulse laser and require less energy at work, compared to other features.

The bad news is that, depending on its type, form, location, skin color, etc. may be affected differently and actually waiting for many stretch marks that they will completely delete is unrealistic.

The other bad news for the laser, which is universal, it is aggressive treatment Depends on the skin type of fiber stretch marks, structure, location, depth. Should be avoided to make summer time and avoid sun exposure.
If the one who applied the treatment, it is a dermatologist, you should visit one before you act, not just trust the idea of a beautician to sell their services.

Overall, the results are promising, but not absolute, however, and treatment lays a risk - on the one hand from complications of another - of failure. Can be combined for better results with "post-traumatic" stretch mark creams, discussed above, but it must also be consult a dermatologist.go to my webpage for more reviews about truth about cellulite

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