Friday, 27 December 2013

The Best Anti-Cellulite Diet Food

The diet for cellulite removal, stretch marks and weight loss, you have to consider some foods are not recommended because they can cause fluid retention or even a cause of lymphatic drainage is very slow and painful thing with end of our skin.

Which are the best foods to put the fight cellulite?  
Avocado: essential fatty acids to improve skin circulation and burn excess fat. Have vitamin E and beta-sit sterol, cholesterol and shut down the source of a fiber, improves general circulation. That contains only the bad side of more calories than other fruits like.

Start with a high content of antioxidants and minerals antitoxin effect, and relaxing the rest of our skin. Exert anti-free radicals, and some of them are characterized by their content of iodine, which speeds up the metabolism, prevents water retention and potassium
Berries: They are considered the best antioxidant foods, in addition to a function or to avoid having to deal with toxins from our skin photos, as well as fats and sugars that can potentiate the effect of orange peel. Vitamin C and gamma- lipid acid accelerates the combustion process some fat in our body. -

Broccoli: the hardening of collagen and alpha-lipoic acid prevents a result. It is a rich source of selenium, and beta-carotene and vitamins C and E provide a synergistic effect. Well enough calcium to meet recommended daily allowance.for more details visit here

Beef: Lean meat is a source of lipid oleic acid, which has a potentiating effect on fat burning. In addition, iron-rich protein that gives the energy to exercise and the body, which prevent fluid retention.
 Onion: Many of the recipes are easy to enter and progress in our diet, has a lot of sulfur (repair cellular damage due to free radicals), vitamin C and vitamin E to be considered a key component to deal with cellulite.
Citrus: lemon and orange are the most common. They recommended daily dose of vitamin C can be doubled. Vitamin C boosts the synthesis of collagen, which is the main housing, essential for the proper functioning and health of our skin. It is also rich in B vitamins that improve circulation tonics working as both physical and nervous system, and bio-flavonoids, which strengthen the capillary walls and improve circulation.more information about cellulite program 

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