Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Psychological Causes of Cellulite

Many cellulite prescribed genetics, lack of physical activity and improper diet, and often forget to mental health and the impact of stress. Exposure to prolonged stress can also cause the appearance of cellulite on a woman's body.

As cellulite can become an obsession, and what are the symptoms of danger reveals psychotherapist professor. Mara Orehovec
The dossier "Remove Cellulite healthy & easy" you'll find everything you need to quickly get rid of orange peel!for more details vist here

Stress blamed for cellulite?
Expert Assistant Healthy Cows, psychotherapeutics Mara Orehovec, which specializes in psychosomatic disorders explained how women can unconsciously on your body to stimulate the creation of so detested orange peel .

 ‘When our body is under stress and when we experience something intensely psychological, emit toxins in the body and help to create cellulite. A similar case is with the appearance of acne in some people every time you are under stress or collecting stomach acid '.

"The hormones that arch under stress usually stop where our weak point. For example, highly emotional people are more likely to remain out of breath, "says Mara.

Find the cause of the creation of cellulite
Mara Orehovec we explained why it is not good to focus only on beauty treatments for problems with cellulite.go to my webpage 

First you should ask yourself what is the real cause of cellulite and why this occurred at all, and only later consider appropriate creams and massages. If we focus only on treatment, and freeze out the psyche, then we solve only the surface ', says Mara. Psyche and body are closely linked, and should not run away from trouble, but always look for the right reasons

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