Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Citrus attack against cellulite – from Truth about Cellulite Program

Popular U.S. name of orange peel cellulite is that in already tortured victim creates negative associations not only the fruit but also to his family to ninth knee. But in this case applies with full force rule "Wedge fire with fire" because that Citrus is one of the worst threats to cellulite. What lies their strength?
First in essential oils, which are located in small wells in fruit peel, While most plants in their production is a complicated process, which is performed in the laboratory (by means of distillation, carbon dioxide, or a solvent), it is necessary in Citrus only pressure. So you can easily use them for own anti-cellulite treatments. Healing essential oils have low molecular weight and smoothly penetrate the skin barrier to reach their destination - the damaged fat. 

Here is the specific action of each of the citrus essential oils: Grapefruit - stimulate the lymphatic system drains retain fluid in the tissues, normalizes fat metabolism.
Orange - increases the production of collagen needed for the fit and healthy looking skin. Lemon - improves blood circulation and tone of the skin, accelerates the breakdown of fat.
Tangerine - regulates the metabolism and prevents the appearance of stretch marks with weight changes. Healing power against cellulite is and citrus juice. Taken as a drink (dissolved in mineral water and sweetened with honey) it clears the body of toxins - the main culprits for unpleasant changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Directly applied to problem areas do exfoliates the skin.
Citrus cellulite recipes Double lemon attack. Take a warm bath in which you have previously dissolved the juice of a lemon, but not discard skin.

After exiting the water and gently dry the body, rub it all bottlenecks. Legal procedure in day scrubs, Cut grapefruit into two halves and sprinkle them with plenty of fine sea salt and squeeze. After 5 minutes grapefruit massagers are ready to use. With a circular motion rub the butt, abdomen, hips and knees. Rinse the body and apply any anti-cellulite cream. Cream take citrus peel (lemon, orange, grapefruit and tangerine) and with a sharp knife, remove the white inner part. Clean crusts pass through a juicer. The resulting liquid blend to homogeneity with 50 ml. body cream and apply to problem areas is as effective against cellulite and stretch mark  Can be stored in refrigerator up to 5 days.

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